Cold Weather Effects on Skin
Cold weather affects many people’s skin in a negative way. For some it can cause an utter skin care horror story. For them, it’s one of the main reasons why they don’t like to see winter coming. Different people’s skin have different reactions to cold and often the remedies they try are simply inadequate in providing them with relief. Here at Nefertari, we are on a mission to help as many people as possible get and keep the kind of skin they can be proud of. It’s not about changing your skin, but by learning how to maintain it year round. Read on to learn more about the cold weather effects on skin and what you can do about it.
How does your skin respond to cold weather?
Some will pass through the iciest, coldest winter weather without a problem, but that’s not the case for everyone.
Cold weather and lips don’t seem to mix
One of the most common cold weather effects on skin is chapped lips. The types of lip balm most apply as a remedy doesn’t grant them much relief. They have to keep reapplying it several times throughout the day. Chapped lips can be very painful to deal with. At extremes the lips can be split and bleeding with lots of flaking dry skin. It’s a condition that can be as painful as it can be unsightly.
Skin can be horribly dry in the winter
It’s not just the lips that seem to dry up once the snow starts to hit the ground. All skin that’s exposed can suffer the same effect. The cold weather effects on skin can be even harder to deal with when it on a larger area of the body. Creams, lotions and moisturizers applied frequently don’t always do the trick.
Sun burn in the winter?
Is there ever really a time to forego the sunscreen? Apparently not. Many people are surprised to find that they can develop a sun burn in the winter sun, but it happens all too often and is just yet another one of the cold weather effects on skin. The weather might not be as hot, nor the sun as bright, but UV rays are present all the same.
Disastrously dry hands
The hands are not exempt from the wintertime woes skin on other areas of the body experience. In fact, many people find their hands get painfully dry when the weather is cold. One of the main problems is that they have to remove their nice warm gloves to complete certain tasks. It doesn’t take long for the winter weather to have an impact on the hands.
Accelerated and enhanced skin wrinkling
Trying to ward off the signs of aging? Winter weather can undermine your efforts. The way wrinkles seem to develop faster and be even more defined in the winter is found downright frustrating for many; especially for those fighting desperately to keep their youthful glow.
Managing skin in cold weather isn’t always an easy task. There are some who find the right products that will protect their skin. Others find the effects to be mild. For help finding the wintertime skincare regimen that is right for you, get a Nefertari skincare consultation.