Best Skin Care Demands Products with Safe Ingredients

Learn About Safe Ingredients in Skin Care Products to Keep Your Skin Healthy

Have you heard of people who used cosmetics with safe ingredients but still suffered side effects? All of us have heard of stories of side effects related to cosmetic products. Some of us, heavens forbid, have even seen them happen with our own eyes to people we know and care about. Unfortunately, there are many products in the market that wrongly claim to have safe ingredients. Is there a reason why such products cause such side effects? Of course, there is.

FDA’s View on Banned Ingredients in Cosmetics

US Food and Drug Administration or the FDA is an organization that makes sure that only safe ingredients are used in drugs and food items. FDA also monitors the skin care industry. This is why the FDA can be taken as an authority on safe ingredients in a cosmetic product. The FDA allows almost all types of substances in cosmetic items but still bans a few. The ingredients that are banned by the FDA include-

  1. Color additives of all types
  2. Bithionol
  3. Chlorofluorocarbons propellants
  4. Chloroform
  5. Halogenated salicylanilides
  6. Methylene chloride
  7. Vinyl chloride
  8. Complexes containing zirconium
  9. Different types of cattle materials

In addition to these, some substances only have a partial ban on them because FDA allows their use in cosmetic products with restrictions. These include-

  1. Hexachlorophene because of its toxic effects on the skin
  2. Mercury compounds because they can cause allergies, skin irritation and neurotoxic reactions

The first nine ingredients are entirely banned, which means that they cannot be used in any cosmetic product. The last two ingredients can be considered to be safe if they are used in the way specified by the FDA. So check the label of your product.

Limit Yourself to Organic Products If You Want Best Skin Care 

There are numerous products in the market that contain substances other than the permitted safe ingredients. The reason for this is simply that many manufacturers only want to make profits and using some of these ingredients is cost effective. In fact, low profile products make a mockery of the concept of skin care by stating something on the labels and putting something else in the bottle.

What this means is that if you want to take care of your skin then you need to rely on products that are fully organic in nature and are manufactured by a reliable source. As you may well know, organic products are products that only contain those substances that occur in nature. If you use organic products for taking care of your skin then you can reduce the chances of side effects.

We, at Nefertari, only practice what we preach so that we can help you take care of your skin. This is precisely why we provide organic Sothys products. Sothys is a manufacturer that boasts of a spotless record when it comes to meeting international and national standards for safe ingredients. We welcome you to go through our range of products today.

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