At-Home Facial Firming Treatments: Give Your a Face Lift

face lift

Give Yourself Face Lift: A Safer Alternative to Surgery

Surgery is such a drastic measure to take. There are serious risks involved and the result could be permanent damage to your skin. This is not to mention the high cost of anti-aging surgical procedures, such as skin laser resurfacing, the four dimensional face lift, endoscopic forehead or eyebrow lifts, aesthetic eyelid surgery, liposculpture, and more.

Some are willing to take the risk because they’re so desperate to look younger. Yet the effectiveness of at-home facial firming treatments means it’s really not necessary to go to the extreme of surgery just to get younger looking skin.

Doing a skin firming treatment in the comfort of your own home can quickly erase aging signs. Using the right products and procedures, the results of at-home anti-aging treatments come even faster than those of surgery, especially when surgical recovery time is factored in. Plus, there’s far less risk and expense. All of this make DIY skin treatments to tighten skin a better option.

Much Better than Homemade Remedies

There seems to be no limit to the number of homemade anti-aging treatments found recommended on the internet. In the search for the fastest and most effective way to get youthful-looking skin, people have tried everything from egg yolks to used coffee grinds and even Preparation H.

While many swear the home remedy they use gives them great results, the story often isn’t the same for the majority of people who give the suggested homemade anti-aging skin care remedy a try. Instead, disappointment is all they get.

Those serious about looking younger without a surgical face lift might be willing to try an odd skincare home remedy or two, but their ultimate goal is to get real results. This can only come by using proven products. By using the same great anti-aging and skin tightening treatments used by professionals, results come quickly and are guaranteed.

More Convenient Than the Spa

There’s no denying that trips to the spa can be loads of fun and often effective in reversing aging. Many of the anti-aging treatments provided in spas really do work. In fact, this is what has led to the great success of Sothys spas.

Sothys has locations in New York and Paris, but it’s not necessary to travel just to get the same great spa-level results. Instead, the treatments can be easily done at home.

Nefertari is a trusted retailer for Sothys skin care products. Customers are able to use the same, highly effective products as the ones used in all the Sothys spa locations. It means they can get vibrant, more youthful looking skin without even leaving the house.

Claim Your Tighter, Younger Skin Right Now

Transform your own home into a luxurious spa by ordering anti-aging products from Nefertari. We proudly offer Sothys usa brand skin care, which boasts a complete system you can use to get skin that’s flawless, soft, and beautiful. Finally reclaim all that the years have taken away without face lift.

Not sure which products are the best for your skin? Then consider having a Nefertari skin care consultation for a non surgical face lift. This will help you get the best possible results, effectively combatting the signs of aging and bringing you rejuvenated skin.

Newly Engaged: How To Achieve Glowing Skin

nefertari-engagementAre you  Newly Engaged? would you like to Achieve Glowing Skin?

So many couples become engaged on Valentine’s Day that skin care becomes a big topic of conversation shortly afterwards. If you are one of those newly engaged couples you need to know that now is the time to start preparing your skin for your wedding day. It is never too early to start because the earlier you start the better your skin will look when you and your partner exchange vows.


The first step in getting your skin in shape is to get yourself a consultation with a skin care specialist. They will discuss with you the individual needs that you have and will help you achieve the glowing skin every couple should have on their wedding day. A professional skin care consultant can get you started with the products you need and the procedures you will have to perform in order to give your skin that beautiful shine.

Regular Skin Care Routine

Once you have acquired the proper skin care products you will want to get used to a regular skin care routine. To make it more fun and feel less like a chore you and your partner should sync up your skin care routines so that together you will embark on a journey to have glowing skin for your wedding day.

Treatment Options

There are many treatment options at your disposal to help you achieve the glowing skin you have always dreamed of. While men and women need different skincare routines, everyone can benefit from a cleansing facial. This will open up your pores, clear out your skin and even help you look years younger than you ever dreamed of. The journey to amazing skin can be a very fulfilling one if you do it the right way.

Aside from the many treatment options for glowing skin, you have to choose from, don’t forget that both you and your partner should be drinking water every day. This will help keep your skin hydrated, smooth and healthy so when the big day comes you will both look and feel better than ever before. This is also the time to avoid greasy foods and apply sunscreen before leaving the house. All the skin care treatments in the world won’t do you any good if you are sunburned or have pimples on your wedding day.

The most important aspect of preparing your skin for your upcoming wedding is to remain disciplined. When you embark on a skin care treatment for glowing skin, you must keep up with it, and this requires the right state of mind. On days when you feel discouraged just picture yourself and your partner having glowing skin on your wedding day. This will help you stay motivated to stick to your skin care regimen. Working closely with a consultant can also help keep you on track.

We wait out whole lives for our wedding day and you want to look as good as possible for it. Proper skin care is the first step in making that happen, so it is worth committing to.

Preparing Your Skin For Valentine’s Day


Preparing Your Skin

Everyone wants to have great looking skin for Valentine’s Day.  Both men and women make the effort to look as appealing as possible as part of their Valentine’s Day gift to their significant other. There are a few things you can do to make sure your skin is glowing, as long as you take the time to prepare in advance.

Deep Cleansing/Facial Treatments

One option for getting your skin ready for the romance of Valentine’s Day is to go for a deep cleansing skin treatment. This can clear out your pores and make you look and feel sexier.  However, a fun alternative many women (and some men) are turning to is a chocolate facial. If you don’t want to go to the spa to have this done you can whip up a chocolate facial at home. Just make sure you use dark chocolate for all its benefits. The ingredients in dark chocolate are actually very good for your skin. Studies have been conducted that have proven the flavonols in chocolate can help hydrate you skin, improve its texture and even make it thicker and stronger.

Skin Cell Repair

A chocolate facial can also result in the repair of skin cells and can work to prevent future skin damage. Your skin will also look better and be healthier because the chocolate facial will improve your blood flow. Blood vessel function greatly improves as a result of chocolate facials as well. To create your own chocolate facial at home all you need is cocoa powder, honey, plain yogurt and a vitamin E capsule pierced and drained.

Smart Skin Care For Him

For the special man in your life, suggest that he uses just the right skin care products so that you will know on the big night that his skin will look as good as yours does. There are facial masks made specifically for men and if yours loves you and wants to give you an unforgettable Valentine’s Day, he’ll be willing to use then. Encourage them to try at least one facial mask within a few days before the special night arrives. Even if they don’t do it until Valentine’s Day should still see great results quickly. Ask your man to use a facial mask that includes green tea and clay because these ingredients will apply healthy antioxidants to his skin that will give it a special glow. If you want to truly make it a romantic experience, apply the facial mask for him. He will be relieved that he didn’t have to do it himself and you will have the satisfaction of knowing you are teaching him how to care for his skin properly. He will also be thrilled to know that keeping his skin as healthy as possible will make him look and feel younger. And that is something you can both appreciate. If you are overwhelmed at the thought of choosing the right skin care treatment for you or your man, head over to for all the skin care advice you will ever need. Here you can find high quality skin care products for him, or for yourself. You can even find skin treatment plans that will work for both of you.

Photography: Franck Gomez (with permission)

Get Clearer Skin and Jumpstart New Year’s Resolution

clearer skin
Get Clearer Skin Now

The time to make your 2014 New Year’s resolution has come. What will it be? If you’ve been struggling with problematic skin, possibly you should consider making clearer skin your resolution. No matter what condition your skin is in, its possible to create a better you because feeling beautiful is something that seeps deep into your spirit and can change your life in some very unexpected ways. Making New Year’s resolution is all about advancing towards the positive in as many ways as possible.

Setting goals for clearer skin

Some people are in the habit of setting the same New Year’s goals time after time. Every year they want to lose weight. Every year they want to earn more money, start a business, take that vacation they’ve been promising themselves, go back to school, and on and on. It happens for some. For some people the New Year’s resolution they make not only brings about a change in them for that year, but sets them on a road of good that continues for the rest of their lives.

You deserve clearer skin

Beautiful skin is something you deserve. Making a 2014 New Year’s resolution to get clearer skin is your right. It’s a goal that can be kept. It’s something worth being dedicated to. It’s not selfish in any way. Do you know that the beauty of your skin can open up doors in your life that may have otherwise been shut? Do you know that having an aurora around you thanks to you’re glowing, radiant skin can win you favor amongst the greats? You don’t have to want to be a super model in order for having beautiful vibrant skin to deliver you numerous benefits.

Some worry about being too vane, so they never put much thought into caring for their skin. They simply keep it clean, if that, and possibly use some sort of moisturizer. Somehow they feel justified, even upright in character. They like having the ability to claim that they put the needs of others before their own, but is that really the best approach to things? Taking care of yourself is taking care of others; especially those you love and who love you. Don’t you think they want and deserve to see you at your best? You are meant to have gorgeous skin because that’s how you are created to be.

You might name other things for your list of 2014 New Year’s resolutions, but if you’ve been struggling with your skin, or your skin is not as healthy and as radiant as it could be, then be sure to add “get clearer skin” to the list. Make it a resolution you’ll stick too. Make it a goal you’ll accomplish.

If you don’t know the very first thing about your skin or how to give it the care it needs to be its best, don’t let that stop you. Consider getting a Nefertari Skin Care Consultation and allow us to be a part of you’re achieving your goals. Happy New Year!

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Cold Weather Effects on Skin and How to Handle It

cold weather effect on skin
Cold Weather Effects on Skin

Cold weather affects many people’s skin in a negative way. For some it can cause an utter skin care horror story. For them, it’s one of the main reasons why they don’t like to see winter coming. Different people’s skin have different reactions to cold and often the remedies they try are simply inadequate in providing them with relief. Here at Nefertari, we are on a mission to help as many people as possible get and keep the kind of skin they can be proud of. It’s not about changing your skin, but by learning how to maintain it year round. Read on to learn more about the cold weather effects on skin and what you can do about it.

How does your skin respond to cold weather?

Some will pass through the iciest, coldest winter weather without a problem, but that’s not the case for everyone.

Cold weather and lips don’t seem to mix

One of the most common cold weather effects on skin is chapped lips. The types of lip balm most apply as a remedy doesn’t grant them much relief. They have to keep reapplying it several times throughout the day. Chapped lips can be very painful to deal with. At extremes the lips can be split and bleeding with lots of flaking dry skin. It’s a condition that can be as painful as it can be unsightly.

Skin can be horribly dry in the winter

It’s not just the lips that seem to dry up once the snow starts to hit the ground. All skin that’s exposed can suffer the same effect. The cold weather effects on skin can be even harder to deal with when it on a larger area of the body. Creams, lotions and moisturizers applied frequently don’t always do the trick.

Sun burn in the winter?

Is there ever really a time to forego the sunscreen? Apparently not. Many people are surprised to find that they can develop a sun burn in the winter sun, but it happens all too often and is just yet another one of the cold weather effects on skin. The weather might not be as hot, nor the sun as bright, but UV rays are present all the same.

Disastrously dry hands

The hands are not exempt from the wintertime woes skin on other areas of the body experience. In fact, many people find their hands get painfully dry when the weather is cold. One of the main problems is that they have to remove their nice warm gloves to complete certain tasks. It doesn’t take long for the winter weather to have an impact on the hands.

Accelerated and enhanced skin wrinkling

Trying to ward off the signs of aging? Winter weather can undermine your efforts. The way wrinkles seem to develop faster and be even more defined in the winter is found downright frustrating for many; especially for those fighting desperately to keep their youthful glow.

Managing skin in cold weather isn’t always an easy task. There are some who find the right products that will protect their skin. Others find the effects to be mild. For help finding the wintertime skincare regimen that is right for you, get a Nefertari skincare consultation.